Welcome to the Winter 2025 session of ASE!
Classes are available for ‘Sneak Peek‘ January 2, 2025.
Registration opens Wednesday, January 8 at 7AM.
Registration closes Wednesday, January 15.
This is a 7 week session and classes begin Tuesday, January 21. Payment by credit card only.
Welcome to Wellington ASE!
The After School Extracurricular (ASE) and Build Our Kids’ Success (BOKS) programs at the Wellington School are fundraising programs coordinated entirely by volunteers for the Wellington PTO. BOKS gives kids a body and brain boost to set them up for a day of learning. ASE clubs rely on parent volunteers, teachers and staff and a few outside vendors to lead fun, dynamic, age-appropriate, after school activities. The classes being offered by the ASE/BOKS program do not qualify as a child care program licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care or any other state agency.
Important: You do not need an account to register for a class. If you are looking for a list of courses, try the Registration menu above.
Find your classes in the Course Catalog, and then Register for them. Please note you may only register one child at a time, so if you are registering for siblings, you must complete a separate registration for each child. On the Registration page, you may filter the classes by Day and Grade.
You’ll receive an email once you have registered. Save that email – it will have a link to your personal page that always has your latest registration status, class dates, and other helpful reminders.
- ASE offers 3 sessions: Fall (7 weeks), Winter (7 weeks) and Spring (7 weeks)
- ASE enrollment is conducted online, through our School Twist site.
- Enrollment dates are listed at the beginning of each school year on the Wellington PTO calendar. Frequent reminders are sent via list serve updates, newsletters and the Wellington PTO Facebook group. Please keep in mind that many of the classes fill up quickly! Late registrations will not be accepted.
- Class enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis. Waiting lists are created and parents are contacted as soon as a spot becomes open or a new class opportunity is created. This is sometimes soon after enrollment, but spots may become available as late as the first week of class. You will only be notified if your child receives a spot.
- Transfers between classes (space permitting) can only be accommodated before the end of the registration period.
- Enrollment fees will be returned if a course is canceled due to insufficient enrollment (most classes require a minimum of 6-8 students). See REFUND POLICIES & PROCEDURES below.
- Refunds for cancelled classes: If an entire session of a class is cancelled by the PTA (due to low enrollment or any other reason), the full cost of the class will be refunded.
- Refund Requests: Refund requests must be submitted in writing (email) to the ASE team before the first meeting of the class. Refunds will be for the amount paid for the class minus a 10% processing fee.
- Once classes have begun, no refunds will be given except in extreme or extenuating circumstances and at the discretion and approval of the PTO.
- Program fees will NOT be prorated for a student who misses classes, even in cases of student illness.
Charges for ASE classes will appear on your credit card statement from “WELLINGTON PTO”. Not all card issuers display information in the same manner. If you have any questions, please contact ase.wellington@gmail.com.
Fees will only be returned if:
- A course is canceled due to insufficient enrollment (most classes require a minimum of 6-8 students).
- Cancellation is requested and processed before the first day of the session. Otherwise, your payment is non-refundable.
- All ASE classes run from 2:55-3:55pm, unless an exception is noted.
- Upon dismissal from school, ASE students will meet in the Community Room, where the Monitors will take attendance. ASE instructors will meet their students in the Community Room and escort them to the assigned ASE room.
- Your child’s teacher, ASE monitors, and instructors help facilitate getting to the classroom and dismissal but it is the child’s responsibility to report to his/her course. Please make sure your child is aware of the course they are signed up for.
- If school is canceled or released early due to weather or for other reasons, there will be no BOKS or ASE courses on that day. The classes will be made up at the end of the session when possible.
- Students participating in ASE will be dismissed from the Wellington core (main hallway) by our monitors. After Care leaders will meet all After Care students in the hallway to bring them to After Care and sign in. All other children must leave upon completing their ASE class by following the dismissal selection made upon registration or expressed in writing by the parent.
- It is critical that your child is picked up on time.
- If your child is walking home, it is critical that they walk home on time.
- The Wellington ASE program ends promptly at 3:55pm. Starting at 4:00pm, the ASE Staff Monitors will attempt to arrange for pickup through parent/emergency contacts, and a fee of $5 per minute, per child may be assessed. If necessary, after a reasonable amount of time and in consultation with school administration, the ASE Staff Monitors may be required to contact the Belmont Police to take custody of any children not yet picked up.
- Additionally, ASE reserves the right to remove any student from participating in its programs for the remainder of the current session after two late pickups. No refunds will be given.
- If dismissal plans change or your child will be absent from an ASE class, please email the Wellington ASE program (ase.wellington@gmail.com) so that we may let the monitors know.
- Participation in BOKS and ASE is a privilege. For the safety and enjoyment of all children and the continued success of the program, each ASE/BOKS student will follow the same behavioral expectations that apply during the school day, as outlined in their Wellington Student Handbook (signed by each Wellington student at the start of the school year).
- Students are reminded of the school/ASE rules at the beginning of each club session. Monitors have a copy of behavioral expectations and consequences on hand throughout each day.
- We welcome any information you can provide for our instructors to help your child have a fun and successful ASE experience. Please do not hesitate to contact an ASE volunteer or your child’s instructor to discuss any questions or concerns you might have about your child’s ASE class.
- Parents acknowledge in the registration waiver that there is (1) not a nurse on duty during either ASE or BOKS and (2) instructors have access to EpiPens or any other medications during the club meetings.
- In the event of a serious injury or health emergency, Program Monitors will call 911 and the parent contacts listed on the ASE member file.
- Any injury or other health emergency must be documented in an Incident Report. For these purposes, an injury is considered:
- Anything that requires an icepack
- Anything that requires a band aid larger than a standard size (i.e. questionable wound or blood loss)
- All potential head, neck or back injuries
- Behavior-related Incidents
- At the discretion of the course instructor, a child displaying disruptive or inappropriate behavior will be given a verbal warning and may be temporarily removed from the activity to one of our monitors to discuss why the behavior is deemed inappropriate.
- A Monitor should be called at any such time that an instructor needs to report an incident.
- An incident report will be filled out by the instructor and the monitors and will be sent to the parents and ASE coordinator. A copy will be kept in the Monitor folder for that session. Parents are encouraged to follow up with instructor and/or Monitor.
- Children who receive a second disruptive behavior report will be required to withdraw from that club for that semester. No refunds will be given in this case. A child may be removed from a club at any time at the discretion of the PTO.
- Injury or Health -related Incidents
- A club instructor / Monitor should send an incident report home for any injury that requires parent awareness or follow-up.
Enjoying our course offerings? Want to get involved? We are looking for a couple of new parent volunteers to join our rewarding group. Help plan a robust and diverse three term program each year. Or teach a class!
Parent volunteers work together to develop the schedule; recruit teachers / parents / external vendors; coordinate high school volunteers; work with our local registration platform (School Twist); monitor registration; generate reports (rosters and attendance sheets); manage payroll, instructor contracts, reimbursement requests; write Whaley Weekly blurbs; and generate fliers.
ASE has 1 seat on the PTO Executive Board.
Q: What is ASE?
Q: What is BOKS?
A. The BOKS (Build Our Kids’ Success) program is a morning program that gives kids a body and brain boost to set them up for a day of learning. Read this NYTimes article about the program: A Before-School Exercise Program May Help Children Thrive
Q: WHERE are ASE/ BOKS classes offered?